Top Notch Consulting for PhD Research and Journal Manuscript Publications


Action Research vs Case Study : Know the Key Difference Between Two Qualitative Research Methods

A research method is nothing but a technique of inquiry which proceeds from the underlying philosophical assumptions to research design and data collection. Specific research methods imply various assumptions, skills, research practices and the choice of research approach influences the manner in which the data is collected.  Among various research methods, the most popular and widely used design is qualitative research. This design consists of many philosophical perspectives and various research methods, of which includes  action research and case study research. Action Research Action research is a type of qualitative research, which is adopted by the researcher in order to... read more

Literature Review Errors: How to Avoid Them While Writing

When a research committee has approved your proposal, the next step is a literature review. A literature review can be developed in two steps: A critical evaluation of existing research papers, scholarly articles/journal articles, white papers, government records or any other theory in relation to the research problem that you choose for further investigation. This step mainly involved identifying the research gap.   Refining, segregating and comparing the literature as per your research objectives. A basic laying out of two seemingly-simple steps mentioned above itself seems a daunting task. It is obvious that it is easier said than done, and... read more

Did you know these 4 things when applying for PhD?

Congratulations! You are about to start your PhD programme. Don’t be under the false impression that PhD is as easy as falling off a log. You’ll devote your maximum time in extensive research and bring out some new ideas and ways to add benefits to an existing research. You might have consulted several people and done online research about PhD, for instance, when and how to start it, but a few things might have been overlooked. Here they are. You can start PhD in an entirely different field This is not surprising that you have attained your master degree in... read more

There Can Be Many Types of Research Gaps in Literature: Know What You Have to Find Out!

Sam’s idea of research was around studying the information architecture decisions of educational websites and their effect on the learning behaviour of the visitors. On the basis of getting clarity on her research data, Sam first figured out that the data be collected from which sources (websites and target users) and then which research methods have to be deployed to get the appropriate answers to the research questions. Having identified a promising area of interest, a scholar must find out those research questions that have not only been left unresolved but those that have the relevance to contribute meaningfully to... read more

Work-To-Rule: Advice for meeting a deadline

Last night I had a nightmare!! Don't get scared.... It was not about ghosts and witches. It was about DISSERTATION. Yes, you got it right. It is the DISSERTATION ghost that was chasing me down. It's not about me only who has been facing this miasma of fear. Lots of candidates who are doing their research have been facing this problem of meeting their dissertation deadline. Luckily, I met my mentor who came to my rescue and this psychological fear of working on dissertation vanished. I want to discuss the strategies to make your working on dissertations/ thesis more interesting... read more

The tumbling success to journal paper publication

There are times when you make attempts to achieve something but always lose out for a few points. This is especially true when you are attempting a write up to be approved for a journal paper. This is a study that people create in order to be featured among academic writers and to make a mark in their field. There are certain methods that help in achieving a good feedback and probably nailing it in the first time with a journal paper. The first and most important point is to conform to the standards of writing a journal paper. The... read more

How to engross interest in your PhD Thesis

If you have had the chance to read a study or an informational write up, you might know exactly what interests you in reading it. If you are on your way to achieving a PhD degree, you probably have read quite a few studies or thesis presentations. There are some common factors that contribute towards making a thesis interesting. Here are some tips and how you can get to achieve them. Keep you sentences and paragraphs short and informative. This keeps the readers interested in the matter, long sentences make for a boring read. Shorter sentences give a crisper feel... read more

The 3 driving sections of a PhD Thesis

Completing a PhD course is something that takes a lot of effort and confidence. Without having the conviction in yourself, it may be impossible to get anywhere in your endeavor. The best way to gain the confidence is to take one thing at a time and concentrate on that with all your heart and soul. One of the most important part of finishing PhD is doing the thesis. When the thesis is broken up into parts, it becomes extremely easy to achieve. It is important to identify the different parts of the thesis. The first part is the introduction, which... read more

How to Proceed While Designing a Questionnaire

It is very important to ask your research participants the right questions in the right manner if you want your study to be successful. Thus, you should follow a stepwise procedure while you develop an effective questionnaire for your study. Check out how to go about it. Check your goal To develop an effective questionnaire, it is critical to understand what you are trying to find out. Thus, you should first check your goal and start designing your questions around it. Find the relevance of collected data You should also see that your collected data finds its usage. Do not... read more

What Expectations to Set from a Developmental Editor

Writing an effective research proposal is not as difficult as it seems to be for many research students. If you have the required grasp on your selected topic of research and have done intensive literature review in relation to it, then shaping a proposal should not be a complex task for you. A research proposal is all about presenting your views and approach on the topic. In fact, the harder part is conducting the research itself. However, it is still important to plan well before you come up with a winning proposal that may receive an instant approval. Stick to... read more