Before actually starting the PhD thesis research or journal manuscript development, it is important to lay a foundation for it and gather as much relevant information as available in regards to the topic. For initial literature review and research gap identification, researchers can choose to get either of the three services mentioned here.
The team of Five Vidya includes subject matter experts (SMEs) who keep a track on new research topics and trends worldwide to provide you with quick and insightful suggestions for your thesis research writing. Moreover, we develop a proposal or problem statement that provides a strong base to your research while keeping your interest aligned with it.
The research methodology framework includes questionnaire development, data collection methods, reliability tests, software implementation, data analysis, and data interpretation. Any mistake or lack of knowledge in this area can lead to a failure in your research even before submission. The team of statisticians, analysts and developers at Five Vidya makes sure that the methodology chosen is suitable for your PhD research.
PhD Thesis Editing and Formatting services provide the finishing touch to the research developed. Perfection is subjective but errors are not. A research document lacking in terms of grammatical, spelling, conceptual, contextual, and language errors or mistakes made while following the guidelines can mean rejection. Therefore, editing and formatting becomes an essential task for academic research documents.
Our editors are proficient in English as well as have subject specific knowledge to suggest modifications which enhances the professional quality of the research documents. Moreover, our editors go through the documents twice or thrice to even look through the details.
The accomplishment of a research project reaches heights once it gets published in high-impact factor journals. We, at Five Vidya, provide exclusive services for researchers targeting IEEE index approved journals. However, we also make sure to develop good quality review papers, empirical papers, and technical papers to reduce rejections and improve the publication chances.
Few of our services also include consultation along with the PhD thesis writing guidance. Through this, we help our clients to have a better understanding of the research topic. This allows the clients to actively participate in the research development process and provide their valuable inputs.
Most of our experts also have a doctoral degree and have written PhD theses. They are well aware of the hardships and queries PhD scholars have while developing their own thesis research and thus, provide solutions based on their experience. It is better to get tried and tested solutions rather than following superficial tips that do not work.
Disclaimer:" FiveVidya is a team of academic research consultants, writers and editors who provide ethical and comprehensive support for doctoral candidates for their research. FiveVidya does not provide any ready to submit work for their clients"